Best fertilizer for lime trees

Best Fertilizer for Lime Trees; All about fertilizing Lime TreesBest Fertilizer for Lime Trees; All about fertilizing Lime Trees

What is the best fertilizer for lime trees? Why should you fertilize your lime tree? 

  • How do you fertilize a lime tree? 
  • When is the best time to fertilize a lime tree?

Lime trees are heavy feeders. Therefore do not be shocked if your lime tree depletes the soil in which it is planted in no time.

Above all, you need to frequently fertilize with organic or synthetic fertilizer frequently to keep your lime tree nourished.

Plants require 13 nutrients to be healthy. For instance, three primary nutrients that plants require for healthy growth are:

  • Nitrogen (N)
  • Phosphorus (P)
  • Potassium (K)

Plants also require other secondary nutrients but in minute quantities. The other 10 trace elements that plants require for healthy growth are;

  • Calcium (Ca)
  • Magnesium (Mg)
  • Sulfur (S)
  • Boron (B)
  • Copper (Cu)
  • Iron (Fe)
  • Chlorine (Cl)
  • Manganese (Mn)
  • Molybdenum (Mo)
  • Zinc (Zn)

Only Ca, Mg, and S are naturally found in large quantities in the soil. In other words, this means that all the other remaining elements and nutrients must be added to the soil periodically for the plants to be healthy. 

The rationale for fertilizing is to replenish the nutrients in the soil. Lime tree farmers, therefore, have to either use organic or synthetic fertilizer to ensure their lime trees’ healthy growth.

Generally, most gardeners prefer organic fertilizers because of runoff and pollution concerns if synthetic fertilizers are used.

Also, synthetic fertilizers can kill microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, which plants require for healthy growth. Limes do not only need nutrients, but they also need a healthy microbiome around them.

Best fertilizer for lime trees.


Lime trees are organic; therefore, it goes without saying that the best source of nutrition for them should be organic as well.

In this era and age, it might be difficult for someone to get purely organic fertilizer. The closer to and more organic fertilizer, the better.

Just because fertilizer is organic doesn’t mean that it will always be used for good. If you misuse organic fertilizer, you cause more harm than someone who used a synthetic fertilizer in the right way. 

Whether a fertilizer is organic or inorganic, natural or synthetic is inconsequential if the farmer misapplies it.

In the end it’s important that the farmer adheres to the right mode application as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

As mentioned above, the majority of farmers prefer organic fertilizers synthetic options. Strictly speaking, the farmers are right because organic fertilizers provide an array of advantages that synthetic fertilizers cannot.

Best Organic fertilizer for lime trees

Even though organic fertilizers are generally better than synthetic fertilizers, the way you apply the fertilizer is more important.

There are two types of organic fertilizers, firstly, naturally occurring organic fertilizers and secondly, that of human-made organic fertilizers. 

Best naturally occurring organic fertilizer for lime trees. 

1. Compost


Compost is decayed organic matter. You can make your compost at home by burying biodegradable waste, including kitchen and farm waste. 

You can increase the composting speed by investing in heat composting technologies. Heat composting technologies typically convert waste to compost in a short time.

2 .Worm castings

We make worm castings fertilizer by feeding worms to complex substrate simplify the complex molecules in organic substances unusable.

3. Peat

Peat naturally occurs in boggy and soggy habitats like swamps. It is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation and organic matter.

You can harvest this nutrient-dense peat from peatlands for use on your orchid. 

4. Seaweed 

Fertilizer from seaweed for example kelp and other aquatic autotrophs dead matter. Seaweed is useful because it contains an array of nutrients.

Best human-made organic fertilizer for lime trees

1. Blood meal 


A blood meal is a dry sometimes and not powder made from blood. Something made from cows blood, but pretty much any other animal’s blood can be used.

A blood meal is rich in nitrogen because we derive it from nitrogen-rich organic animal blood. It is considered an organic nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

2. Bone meal 

Bone meal is a powder fertilizer made from animal bones. However, bone meal can contain slaughterhouse waste products and is often used as an organic nutritional supplement. Therefore, be on careful when handling it.

3. Feather meal 

Feather meal is made from poultry feathers and can be used as a nitrogen-rich supplement fertilizer for your garden.

4. Fish meal

Like all the other meals mentioned above, a fish meal is made from fish waste and fish bones. This one is particularly advantageous because it contains trace elements from the sea that are available on land.

5. Natural enzyme digestive proteins

Complete digestive enzymes

The digestive enzymes essentially proteins that break down large molecules into usable simpler molecules by the plants.

One major importance of the natural enzyme digestive protein fertilizer is to break down nutrients.

For example, concentrated carbohydrates and proteins into unusable nutrients like nitrates, phosphates, sulfates, and other ions for the plants.

6. Seaweed extract.

Seaweed fertilizer is rich in Sea elements, but not everyone can access seaweed. Perhaps you are a farmer who would like to include the nutrient-dense seaweed in your gardens. In that case, seaweed extract is the perfect substitute.

Best inorganic Fertilizers, aka Mineral fertilizer for lime trees.

The majority of inorganic fertilizers are synthetic. The major difference between organic and inorganic fertilizers is that organic fertilizers are from live matter; inorganic fertilizers are from inanimate nonliving matter.

Similar to organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers can be categorized into two broad groups. Namely. the naturally occurring inorganic fertilizers and an-made inorganic fertilizers.

Naturally occurring inorganic fertilizers.

1. Chilean sodium nitrate

Chilean sodium nitrate is a natural mineral nitrogen source. Nitrogen is so important to plants because it’s the building block for protein.

2. Mined rock phosphate

My Rock phosphate is a phosphate source. Phosphate is important for the plants for protein synthesis and is a key element in the blooming of flowers.

3. Limestone

Limestone is not only a calcium source but is mostly used to reduce acidity. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Best human-made inorganic fertilizer for lime trees

1. Ammonium nitrate

2. Potassium sulfate

3. Superphosphate

4. Triple superphosphate


Inorganic fertilizers only contain specified nutrients, a farmer must use inorganic fertilizers to modify the soil rather than fertilize it. 

Test your soil to find out what it is lacking before you apply inorganic fertilizer. By doing that you give the soil precisely what it lacks.

Using inorganic fertilizer indiscriminately can increase the chances of over-fertilizing.

It wouldn’t be a problem with organic fertilizers because organic fertilizers are made less available to plants with time.

Still, also, organic fertilizers are natural and as such easy to assimilate in the soil.

The hierarchy of best fertilizers for lime trees from best to worst is

1. Naturally occurring organic fertilizer

2. Naturally occurring inorganic fertilizer

3. Man-made organic fertilizer

4. Man-made inorganic fertilizers 

Suppose you must use human-made inorganic fertilizers, which have been ranked the worst.

In that case, follow the manufacturer’s user manual impeccably. In other words, misapplication of a fertilizer may have devastating impacts on both the environment and your plants.

Professionals rank naturally occurring organic fertilizers higher than natural inorganic fertilizers.

A farmer who uses naturally occurring organic fertilizers will give the plants a more balanced nutrition base than using only inorganic fertilizers.

How do you fertilize a lime tree? 


The majority of gardeners fertilize their lime trees by mixing the fertilizer in the soil around my lime tree. 

Farmers apply fertilizers in a ring around the lime tree. You have to take care so that the fertilizer doesn’t directly touch the trunk or the lime tree’s roots.

For the precise fertilizer quantities to you, the farmer needs to follow the manufacturer’s notes on the tree size’s fertilizer.

Using homemade natural compost, apply about two pounds, which is roughly 0.9 kg of compost per month on your tree.

Precautions to follow when fertilizing a lime tree with best fertilizer for lime trees

Here’s a list of things you must do or not do to nourish lime trees in fertilizers successfully.


1. Water after you applying fertilizer

Irrigate after fertilizer application to wash the leaves of fertilizer. Watering after fertilizing prevents leaf burn from fertilizer sitting on them for long.

You also need water to help the nutrients dissolve and penetrate through the mulch & soil to the roots area. Plants can only absorb nutrients dissolved in water. 

Some fertilizers, especially synthetic ones, are volatile should the air temperature exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The fertilizers on the ground may begin to volatilize, which increases the risk of fertilizer burn. You want the fertilizer in your soil, not in the air.

Fertilizer left on the soil surface may be washed off by heavy rain in too sensitive low-lying habitats like wetlands.

2. Use a slow-release fertilizer, it is the best fertilizer for lime trees

Slow-release fertilizers are ones that releases the nutrients within it into the soil slowly over time. A slow-release fertilizer reduces the risk of toxic exposure of the lime tree to a high concentration of growth boosters.

In addition, using a slow-release fertilizer means that you’ll have to apply fertilizer fewer times. Besides, using slow-release fertilizer saves tie and money.

3. Wear protective gear

From nose masks to gloves to overalls and gumboots, the summer applying the fertilizer needs to be fully protected. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is key in fertilizer application.

The farmer applying the fertilizer should protect themselves from any possible negative impacts of exposure to the fertilizer.

The farmer must wear masks if dealing with volatile fertilizer and gloves because most fertilizers are corrosive.


1. Never fertilize baby lime trees under one year.

Baby lime trees are very delicate, for instance, fertilizer can burn them. Even if you’re using organic compost, it could still be corrosive. Fertilizers often burn plants. 

Besides, the soil’s nutrition when you planted will sustain a young lime tree. Maybe for a year or so while the tree toughens and grows.

2. Never use fresh manure.

I know that many farmers prefer organic fertilizers; however, fresh manure may do your plants more harm than good.

Manure may be a good source of organic compost but never use fresh manure on your trees. Always compost your manure before you can use it on your plants.

Fresh manure may contain harmful bacteria and weeds. In addition, it also contains high levels of nitrogen, ammonium, and salt, which could burn your lime trees. 

3. Never use too much fertilizer on your plant even if its is the best fertilizer for lime trees.

I know the fertilizer goal is for your plants to grow. However, like all good things, too much of it isn’t good.

Too much fertilizer in a plant, your lime tree may respond by sudden shoot system overgrowth at root development expense.

That means that their existing root system will not be able to support the overgrown foliage and branches. Consequently, the plant will fast grow before it begins to diminish and eventually die.

Many plants that exposed to too much fertilizer often have wilted leaves, brown leaf margins and tips, and defoliation.

Besides, too much fertilizer may stress your lime trees and generally weakens the plant. As a consequence your lime tree will be susceptible to disease and insect attacks. For instance the sub feeding insects like Scale.

When should I fertilize my lime tree? (Lime tree fertilizer schedule)

It is important to fertilize your lime tree during the seasons of active growth. Mature lime trees require fertilization thrice in a year. So target to fertilize once in the fall, then again in early spring, and lastly once more in late summer.

Fertilizing in winter or summer when most plants are at rest is useless; the fertilizer will leach or wash into low-lying areas. So it is important that your targets active growing seasons.

Suppose you realize that your lime tree shows signs of malnutrition in between the three times of fertilizing. In that case, by all means, don’t wait for fall or spring or late summer, fertilize immediately.

Best fertilizer for lime trees in containers

Whether your lime tree is growing on land or in a container, the best fertilizers that you should use are the same.

Below is a list of the best fertilizers on the market and homemade fertilizers for lime trees grown in containers.

The best commercial fertilizer for lime trees grown in containers

The brackets’ ratios are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratios in the fertilizer formulations listed below.

1. Miracle-Gro, shake n feed (8-2-10)

The cool thing about the Miracle-Gro is that you can shake out the mountain plant food you require and then keep their winning 4.5-pound container for later.

If you do not like the continuous ‘shake n feed’ method, you can make a single application of this fertilizer, which should last your lime tree for about three months.

In addition to the NPK, this fertilizer also contains magnesium, potassium, iron, and sulfur.

2. JR Peters Inc (20-10-20)

JR Peters focuses on enhancing the micronutrient levels in the plant in addition to the NPK. It comes with a pre-measured scoop. Thoughtful, right?

3. Espoma (5-2-6)

All the Espoma ingredients are natural. One special advantage of Espoma is that when the lime fruits ripen, they will be more flavorful and large.

You need to note that this product has a pungent smell, so you may have to apply it on your limes outdoors. But most importantly, follow the instructions on the bag.

4. Down To Earth Organic Citrus Fertilizer Mix (6-3-3)

It’s in the name, Down To Earth Organic Citrus Fertilizer Mix is an organic formula. Down to earth organics is formulated with some necessary plant nutrients, including sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc.

5. Jobe’s Organics (3-5-5)

The manufactures designed this product specifically for potted trees. Each packaging comes with six spikes. It also comes with step-by-step instructions on how to insert the spikes into the soil.

The fertilizer comes already pre-measured; you needn’t worry if you do not know the right quantities because Jobe’s organics you.

The best thing about seeds is that it comes with a biozome. This is something that many fertilizers ignore, but plants require a healthy proportion of microorganisms to be healthy. The mycorrhizal fungi, healthy bacteria, and archaea will increase the soil quality and, consequently, your potted lime tree. We are what we eat.

6. Dr. Earth (5-5-2)

Dr. Earth is particularly designed to stimulate the development of tree roots by it’s manufacturers. It is a probiotic and has about seven strains of microbes mycorrhizae. 

As mentioned above, biomes are good for the sale but also good for root development.

Best homemade fertilizer for lime trees


When creating a homemade fertilizer for lime trees, you must make it rich in major nutrients and high in minor nutrients.

You can classify nutrients as either major when the lime requires them in large quantities or minor when the lime requires them only in small quantities should the concentration be higher than the minor nutrients that could harm the plant.

The major nutrients are;

  • Nitrogen 
  • Phosphorus 
  • Potassium 
  • Sulfur 
  • Calcium.

The minor but equally important nutrients are;

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Molybdenum
  • Manganese
  • Chlorine
  • Boron

Below is the list of homemade fertilizers for your lime citrus trees

1. Aquarium water

It would be best if you were careful only to use freshwater because saltwater could end up harming your plants. Fish waste is a good source of nutrition for your lime trees.

After cleaning out your aquarium, use the aquarium wastewater as a fertilizer for your lime gardens.

2. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium so after enjoying the tasty banana, bury the banana peels in the top layer of a soil where you are growing lime trees are.

3. Blackstrap molasses

Blackstrap molasses contains carbon, iron sulfate, potash calcium, magnesium potassium, and magnesium. All these elements admit it’s an ideal type of fertilizer, and because it also supports bacterial growth, blackstrap molasses will also help in root development.

You can mix blackstrap molasses with one cup of Epsom salt and alfalfa meal, making the perfect nitrogen-rich homemade fertilizer.

4. Corn gluten meal

Corn gluten meal contains 10% nitrogen in that starch is a good home waste fertilizer for your lime trees. You can spread the thin layer of the corn gluten meal in the 2-inch layer of soil.

However, do not use on seedbed because it is a herbicide, and it works by hindering germination; however, if your lime tree already sprouted, you can go ahead.

5. Powdered milk

Powdered milk is a good source of calcium. Because the milk is already in powdered form, the limes can readily use the nutrients.


Are coffee grounds good for lime trees?

Coffee grounds are good for lime trees because they contain nitrogen phosphoric acid and about 1% potassium. Like other citrus fruit trees, Lime trees prefer a bit more acidic soil and coffee grounds slightly lower soil pH.
The best way to apply the coffee is to dry them and then scatter them as a mulch around your plants.

How do you fertilize citrus trees?

The basic way to fertilize citrus fruit trees is to sprinkle the fertilizer in rings around the tree and keep about two feet away from the trunk.
You can also fertilize by mixing the fertilizing the soil before planting but generally, because citrus trees are heavy feeders, you will have to fertilize because you cannot rely on the initial fertilization.

Eggshells for citrus trees

Eggshells contain about 1% nitrogen in about half-percent phosphoric acid plus a few other trace elements. However, the most important nutrient that plants get from eggshell is calcium.
Adding eggshells to the soil will replenish the calcium in the soil. You can crash the eggshells or put them in a coffee grinder and then sprinkle them around your garden.


As a lime tree farmer, it is imperative that you periodically fertilize your lime trees as per manufacturer instructions for your tree size. Remember to fertilize in seasons of active growth that is fall, spring, and late summer.

Most importantly, remember that it is more about how you apply fertilizer than the kind of fertilizer that you use itself.

To sum it up, pay attention to the application instructions because otherwise, a good fertilizer will not work for you should you misapply it.

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